Dd adams

Position Sought

U.S. Congress North Carolina 5th District


North Carolina

Date of General Election

November 6, 2018

U.S. Congress North Carolina 5

Denise D. Adams (DD) is a native of Winston-Salem and a passionate servant of the community. DD has served as council member for the North Ward of Winston-Salem since 2009 and is currently serving as vice chair of the Finance Committee and the Community Development/Housing/General Government Committee. She received a bachelor's degree in speech communication from Morgan State University. DD supports policies that serve the community: a safe, healthy society, a strong economy, and a well-educated workforce. DD believes that within our local communities and in our greater society, we all benefit when families and individuals are able to achieve their highest potential. She knows that healthy, well-nourished children are better students than those whose physical and mental needs are unmet. She believes well-trained, healthy employees offer their best work, contributing to increased economic growth, and that communities with well-employed citizens, good schools, affordable health care, and a thriving economy promote citizen involvement and improve the quality of life for all.

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