Maria has a proven record of dedication to her community. She served as a board member for the watchdog organization Citizens Utility Board, as well as serving on the board of the State Employees Retirement System of Illinois. She is a longtime member of the Sierra Club and Citizens for Conservation. Maria has a proven record of protecting workers' rights. Maria is a retired attorney who formerly practiced with the Department of Labor, where she litigated work safety violations. She represented claimants against coal companies, making sure that they received appropriate compensation for black lung disease. Maria is running on a deeply progressive platform. As a Lake County Board member, Maria plans to focus on the following: advocating for government transparency for how resources are utilized, working in collaboration with local groups and colleges to create new job opportunities in the green sector, and developing and utilizing rehabilitative services for those dealing with overdose and/or mental health issues.
"Maria has been very present in all the villages that are included within District 17. She stays on top of the issues facing each village, as well as connecting and listening to the concerns of residents within the unincorporated areas of District 17. She has a strong passion to do what is right for our residents that is, to be transparent, fair, accountable, and available. She will be a strong force representing District 17, which is something and someone this District has been missing for a long time!" –Maria from North Barrington
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